Getting Started With The Kure When you purchase The Kure, you receive a transaction number that identifies you as a customer and a serial number for the particular installation. After examining it, I deemed it important enough to update my review. The developers went back to the drawing board and came up with a completely different (and significantly better) method for ransomware recovery.
However, the ransomware protection in that updated edition failed in my testing. That edition of The Kure is a big improvement. They also made a few fixes and streamlined a number of awkward areas that I pointed out in my earlier review. The company went back to the drawing board, eliminating integrated antivirus and focusing on the effective revert-to-safety technology that's at the heart of The Kure. That antivirus integration proved seriously problematic. Several months ago I reviewed an earlier version of The Kure, one that attempted to incorporate an antivirus engine licensed from McAfee. Quietzone also bears some similarity to The Kure, but at $14.99 per month it's in a different price league. VoodooSoft VoodooShield 2.0, a somewhat similar utility, costs about the same. That being the case, you do still need some kind of real-time antivirus protection, but at $19.95 per year, The Kure isn't an expensive addition. Best Hosted Endpoint Protection and Security Software.